Thursday, May 17, 2007

The Course of Love Never Did Run Smooth

Ummm...hi everyone. Well, perhaps I should have updated sooner. I guess an 'oops, sorry won't do it again' won't cover it? I supposed so. ;)

Anyway, I have been insanely busy. Tonight, first of all, was the first performance of our student-run play of Shakespeare's Midsummer Night's Dream. I can't believe we were able to pull it off, but we did. We had barely any adult help bringing it all together; rehearsals, sets, memorization, polishing. We even had last-minute members to fill in for people who dropped out. It was really, really wonderful. Tomorrow is our second and last performance, and afterward the whole cast is going to a restaurant, and then to our director's (Emilee's) house to celebrate.

But yeah. I'm exhausted. School's out in a few weeks. Has the year gone by so fast? Well, at least Pirates 3 is coming out. *fangirl squeal* I'm totally going, like, opening night. Day. Whatever. I'm so excited! *squeezes Captain Jack Sparrow plushie*


Last. Harry. Potter. Book.

Two. Months. I could totally, like, cry. I grew up with those books. ;-;

I'll just have to get cast in the 6th or 7th movie, and then I'll be satisfied for life.

I've also been writing like mad; inspired by an enchanting little movie called 'MirrorMask'. I'm writing what could be called my version of the 'sequel' of MirrorMask, and posting it on I am surprised on how well my writing is improving, and what I am able to do with it. Like I said, I feel completely inspired, but not only that, I am enthralled with being able to grasp and translate the atmosphere of the movie. I've also discovered an extremely useful technique for writing; asking questions. I have a Microsoft Word document filled with questions I need to answer for my story; questions about the plot, the characters, feelings needing to be portrayed...anything and everything. I'm growing as a writer, and it tastes like bubblegum.

Speaking of writing, I truly want to hug my English teacher. She is getting us to write basically anything pertaining to 'local color', 'exposition', and even in the perspective of Holden in Catcher in the Rye, which we are reading in class. Oh, yes. And we're watching Dead Poet's Society all day tomorrow.

I feel giddy.


patsyrose said...

Enjoy what you do. That's the secret of having a happy life. You are well on your way, baby girl!

And how about your Dad presenting you with a rose!!! Your father is a treasure.

Unknown said...

You make me giddy.

Wish I could have been there to seen the play. Like I said, Ally Mcbeal aint got nothing on you.




Kim said...

Hi Dylan. You're a sweetheart!

Lisette, I am so proud of you. You sound like a little bundle of energy bursting at the seams. I love your writing. I am always anxious to hear what you are up to next.
Hugs and kisses
Aunt Kimmie

Kim said...

How do I find your writing on fanfiction? I would love to read that too.