Sunday, April 29, 2007

Where The Wild Things Are

Canker sores. Seriously, they are, like, volcanoes of pain and annoying discomfort. And that mouth-gel stuff only lasts for, what? half an hour at most. Grrr.

Well, I've checked two more things off of my Reasons to Be Stressed list; the Drama and Choir performances. Not to say they were both stressful in themselves. My partner and I in our little duet act skipped about a page and a half of dialogue (well, actually, I missed my lines to start off the scene). Thankfully, we went with it well enough so that no one except for us, and the kids working backstage, noticed.

And of course, there is the choir concert last night. Along with aching feet, shaking legs, and stumbling over my Non Nobis Domine intro, I also cried during a song. Yes, my friends, it was that dreaded "Prayer of the Children" I posted earlier. I pulled myself together as soon as it was over, but who wouldn't still be a tad mortified after sobbing in front of an audience of 100? After the concert, I forced myself to laugh in my humiliation, and not dwell on it, because if I did, all those good-willed people trying to comfort my would just make me cry again. Or make me feel like there's an ulcer eating away my stomach.

I blame my mother and her emotional genes. ;)

Although I have that much out of the way, I still have Midsummer Night's Dream coming up on the 17th and 18th of May. Not to mention...

*cue Freddy Kruger overture*



But, I just need to take it one thing at a thing at a time.

Speaking of May, it's cold down here. We finally got our heating system put up, by my ickle footsies are still freezing. It think the only reason I'm not, like, "WHY THE BEJOOBERS IS IT COLD IN MAY????" is because I'm learning to think of season cycles instead of month cycles. It makes a lot more sense. It's a lot easier to think that Halloween (or Samhain) is coming up than May Day (or Beltaine) with all its maypoles and warm weather and fertility.

Oh, just to clear it out of the way, I consider myself a sort of eclectic Pagan. Because "Pagan" is a HUGE umbrella term, it's easier to explain that, in short, I believe in the divinity of nature, in a God and Goddess, and the sanctity of earthly life. Samhain (pronounced Sow-in. It's Gaelic :D) and Beltaine are "Sabbats", or holidays that some Pagans observe. I'll probably illustrate more on some of the details in other blogs. Of course, however, I'm only 16. I've got a heck of a lot more to learn in life. This is just something that speaks to me as a personal truth.

Speaking of nature, when I was talking to Dylan on the phone a while ago, I suddenly heard this loud tapping sound from my window. I had my back to it, so I thought that someone was throwing rocks or something. When I turned, I saw this figure moving at the bottom of the windowsill. For a second I thought it was some person who climbed to my second-story window. But I looked closer, and it was a bird! It was pecking at the glass for some crazy reason. It stopped and stared at me for a second and ducked down. Then it came back up and started pecking the window again. I wanted, for some reason (probably the animal lover in me), to open the window and let it in. But then it flew off. It was pretty cool. A wild bird not six feet away from me. Granted, there was a window between us; but it's still somewhat exhilarating watching a wild thing up close.

Oh!!! One last thing. You know the poem I submitted to the sonnet contest? I won 2nd place!!!! And now a huge, banner-sized copy of it, along with copies of the other winning sonnets, are hanging in the lobby of the school. I, like, totally felt like a celebrity omg.

Well, I must be off. Homework and all that dribble. Might go sacrifice a cow to the Death Goddess or something. :D

Peace, love, and blessed be all of ye.



Machinehead said...

Shelley said...

Yes, you can blame it on me but it only means we have hearts bigger than our egos! :-) "What can I say, I'm a wimp!" works well when asked why the tears flow at inopportune times.
I thought you were simply mahvelous on both evenings!!
No sacrifices in the house!
Love ya

patsyrose said...

Peace and love. Could this be all we're here to learn? You and I and a few more are learning the lesson well, my darlin'!
