Monday, April 16, 2007

What of Dreams?

Well, another day in the life of...well, me. Quick update for anyone not in the know-how:

I'm in a lot of creative endeavors at the moment and I struggling not to feel too panicked. I am a main part of the Shakesperian play "A Midsummer Night's Dream", doing a duet act for the drama festival, I'm performing in the choir festival (which is right after the drama festival), and I just finished writing a shakesperian sonnet for a contest today. And, of course, there is always that necsissary evil; homework.

As many of you know, I'm not the best of organizers *cough*. BUT, I have everything under control.

So far.

ANYWAY, since I know you all are just dying to read that sonnet I mentioned earlier, here it is:

What of Dreams?

Soft is the slip of the mind into dreams-
The soul is awash to that swirling pool;
Light is veiled, the sun surrenders its beams
An' the journey is set by Queen Mab's spool.
She unravels the thread of time and space:
Drift, dear dreamer, to Avalon's shore,
Where pixies' play and witches' dance unlace
Your earthly troubles evermore, e'ermore.
The Moon strikes shadows to hide the mys'tries,
And her strings of silver alight the ground
To reveal the glitter of fairy trees
Before the harps of the morning sound.
Though all dreams must end, and journeys must too;
Their whisper of magic will stay with you

Yeah, I hope I get placed. :D

Well, speaking of homework, I need to work on some Animal Farm questions for English. Lots of love to everyone!!!!!!



Shelley said...
You rock baby!

Your Proud Mommy

P.S. Spell check!! ;-)

patsyrose said...

I love it and I love you!

Nice background color, too!

bluebird of paradise said...

an exquisite sonnett, the old bard would be impressed.
tante marilee